Scientists Have 20 Minute Conversation With Whale: Second Date Pending

In a first for humankind and science, a team known as ‘Whale-SETI’ successfully held a conversation with a humpback whale named ‘Twain’. Now why his name isn’t Wain so he can be ‘Wain the Whale’ is as big a mystery to me as I’m sure it is to you, but we’ll move on. Scientists from the SETI Institute, University of California Davis, and the Alaska Whale Foundation teamed up to make this first date a spicy one, as the researchers were actually able to communicate with the magnificent beast over what I’m assuming was the most romantic, candle lit, sensual, sexy, hot to trot first date that has ever been had with a whale. Now as to how the actual conversation worked, you’ll probably wanna check out an actual article on the topic. An article by Eric Ralls in explains how they were able to communicate with the whale by using a recording of a humpback whale’s ‘contact call played into the ocean using a speaker.’ And scientists apparently shit themselves with amazement when their hot date circled their boat and responded in a conversational manner, as they put it. Throughout the rest of their twenty minute speed dating sesh, Twain consistently matched interval variations between playback calls, which sounds like the nerd way of saying the date went well.

Anyway, I don’t know how you can truly tell if you’re accurately communicating with a whale but I’m also not a scientist so who the hell knows. Like I said, read an actual article.


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