On This Date In 2010: Tiger Woods Apologizes For Doing What Every Average Joe Could Only Fantasize About

On February 19th 2010, Tiger Woods took to CNN to apologize for doing what every single regular guy on the face of the earth wishes they were rich and famous enough to do. You know it. I know it. Come on. Let’s stop pretending already. 

In 2010, Tiger Woods was arguably the most iconic athlete in the world. He had roughly half a billion dollars in the bank, and he was hot, both on and off the golf course. I mean come on. The dude could have slept with a hundred gorgeous girls a day if he wanted to. He could have hosted a Victoria Secret fashion show at his house every weekend and then sleep with every single model afterwards just for the hell of it. But he didn’t. He only slept with a total of 120 women throughout the course of his marriage to his then wife. That’s pretty damn impressive if you ask me. Christ most guys in his position would have 120 notches on their bed post within a week if they were even half as rich and famous. There isn’t an honest guy in the world who would tell you he’d remain faithful given Tiger’s circumstances. It’s literally impossible. 

It’s also impressive that Tiger was able to keep track of all the women he slept with. 120? Wouldn’t you just say, “Around 100?” Would it really make a difference at that point? What, one less wack to his Cadillac from his golf club swinging wife? And again, while 120 women sounds like a lot to the average guy, remember, the dude slept with like 0.000000001% of the women he could have. That’s some serious restraint. 

And if you’re his wife at the time, he is basically paying you a few hundred million dollars to cheat on you. I can think of a lot worse things than instantly becoming a multi-millionaire simply because your stupid ex husband couldn’t keep the golf club between his legs in his own bag. Not a bad trade off if you ask me. 

Tiger Woods has made twenty hole-in-ones over his professional career, but as for his love life, a hole in just one, simply won’t do. 


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