Get Vaccinated You Fucking Morons

“Keep your needles away from my kids!”... I will fucking stab you lady. And not with a needle.

When it comes to ranking idiots on planet Earth, number one is unanimous. Needle fearing morons have a monopoly on the top spot and it’s not even close. Just look up pictures of these fucking bozos and their signs and tell me these aren’t the dumbest, brain dead idiots you’ve ever laid your eyes on. Seriously. If you’re an anti-vaxxer you shouldn’t be allowed to have offspring. It should literally be against the law, and I’m dead serious. If you’re an anti-vaxxer and decide to make another human being with the same moronic genes as you, you should be killed and fed to animals at the local zoo because the world doesn’t need any more of you morons walking around. And as for the kid? I don’t know, lock him up in an attic or something so that dimwit never sees the light of day. They’d probably be better off up there anyway. 

I wish insane asylums were still around because we could fill them up with all of you bat shit crazy dumb fucks. And listen up idiots… All your conspiracy theories… Give me one single god damn shred of proof that any of them are true. One shred of fucking proof please. Just one. Now I know, you idiots don’t deal in actual facts and statistics because that would just be crazy. Why need any proof of your theories? That’s no fun. It’s much easier just to believe that article your cunty friend posted on Facebook warning everyone not to vaccinate their kids because Karen got her kid vaccinated and now they have 3 eyes, 4 arms, and an extra asshole. So watch out everyone! Shit… Your kid could use another asshole to shit out all the bullshit you feed them. 

But anyways, just get vaccinated for fuck’s sake. Either stab yourself with a needle or stab yourself with a knife because if you’re that stupid, we don’t need you on this planet. The world is crowded enough as it is. And if you really think that the vaccine is some new way for the government to track us, I have news for you fools. They already do. It’s called the fucking phone you carry around in your pocket. And they SHOULD be tracking you. They should track all you anti-vaxxers because you’re terrorists. Terrorists against common sense. Every single one of you anti-vaxxers should be required to get a tattoo on your foreheads that reads “IDIOT” so us humans with normal functioning brains can cross the street when we see you coming. We don’t want to share the same sidewalk with you let alone breathe the same air. It’s probably contaminated and smells because I’m sure you morons are against using toothpaste too. Probably created by the government to do god knows what. 

And if you’re getting ready to furiously type out some idiotic comment about how wrong I am, save yourself the time. Instead, take those same fingers, shove them up your ass, and then smell them. That’s what the bullshit you’re about to spew out smells like. 

“Trust in God not vaccines”... Yeah because we all know how well that’s worked throughout history. Fuck you. 


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