YouTube Doesn’t Have Ads If You’re Not A Complete And Total Moron

Something that never ceases to amaze me is the number of people I see complaining in comment sections on YouTube about how many ads there are. It doesn’t matter if I’m watching a clip from a stand-up comedy special, a video from CNN talking about some idiotic thing Trump said, or a ‘How-To’ on picking your nose in public without getting caught… if I’m scrolling through comments, I’ll inevitably see at least one or two dip shits complaining about the number of ads on YouTube.   

Uhhhh… I thought everyone knew how to get around this? Hasn’t this been old news for like a decade now? Ads? On YouTube? Hahahahahaha. What’s that like? It must be ROUGH. Luckily though I’ll play hero for the day with this extremely complicated bit of advice for all of you sad souls living in ancient times. AD BLOCKER. I repeat… AD BLOCKER. Get a goddamn ad blocker you absolute morons. How have you been living your lives on the interwebs without a fucking ad blocker for all of these years?!? Seriously. How??? If I didn’t have an ad blocker attachment on chrome I would have found an old ethernet cable and hung myself with it years ago. It’s so easy to install one! If you can wipe your ass you can install an ad blocker. 

And for those of you who have ad blockers, yes I know, a lot of sites ask you to disable them nowadays, but luckily for us YouTube still isn’t one of them. And yes, I also know that you can’t put an ad blocker on the YouTube app on your phone. Just put an ad blocker on your phone’s web browser and you’re all set. Duh.

Also, ad blocker isn’t just useful for YouTube. I’ve been able to watch the free version of Peacock without ads because of my ad blocker. Sure Peacock asks me to disable it every time I log in, but who the fuck is going to listen to a bird. Mind your own business. And if I wanted to pay for yet ANOTHER streaming service I would. But you bastards stole ‘The Office’ from us and now have the audacity to only let us watch the first two seasons WITH ADS unless we pay? Yeah you can go fuck yourselves Peacock. The next time I’m at a zoo and see one of you fuckers I’m feeding you rat poison.

Regardless though, people, come on. Get your damn lives together. It’s free, super easy to install, and works so well that I haven’t seen a single YouTube ad since, well, they started using ads. I didn’t even know there were ads on YouTube to begin with. And several ads in a single video? No idea. Must be nice having to put up with all that hassle when it would take you all of 30 seconds to put an ad blocker extension on your web browser. Google it if you don’t know how and be sure to thank me in the comment section of this blog. You’re welcome. Sorry for calling you all kinds of names but my god. Get it together. 

Most ad blockers also tell you how many ads they’ve blocked in total. Wanna take a guess at how many ads on YouTube I’ve blocked over the years? I won’t say. That’ll just depress you. 


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