#WhyMenNeverListenIn4Words Is Currently Trending On Twitter

This is why I love Twitter. Nothing on this Earth entertains me more than waking up on a Sunday morning and having a nice cup of coffee while I scroll through the responses to yet another hilarious trending hashtag (Pathetic I know). And man oh man did the responses to this hashtag not disappoint. From the truly absurd, to the hilarious, to the just plain pathetic. When it comes to the frequent users of Twitter, the responses never disappoint. 

There are the idiots truly offended by the fact that something like this is trending on social media to begin with. Like this darling lass. Take it easy Hannah. The clever meme you stole from some other insufferable moron should be used sparingly. And responding to a funny hashtag on Twitter probably isn’t one of those times. You’ll maybe wanna borrow their tape and put it over your keyboard next time. Oh well. You’ll learn. 

There are the equally stupid people, like Denise Snowflake Uptown Girl Snowman who take hashtags like this VERY seriously as they are no laughing matter, and feel the need to think it over for two hours before releasing this amazing piece of work to the world. I just hope she didn’t use up ALL of her brain power on picking the right gif, as I’m sure this social justice warrior still has many battles left to fight today. Thank you Denise. Stay strong you brave, beautiful soul. 

There are the thirsty thots like Char Barley who will take any opportunity to show us their goods in hopes of getting a few more OnlyFans subscribers. She calls herself the “Big Booty Queen” and has over 1,500 posts on her page, yet has to offer a 14 day free trial. Guys are “Staring at my ass” but apparently aren’t paying for the privilege. Times must be tough. 

And lastly... there are the more stereotypical, yet accurate responses to the #WhyMenNeverListenIn4Words hashtag... And my personal favorites. Like this gem: 

I mean, he’s not wrong. Yes this is a stereotype, but I think it’s a pretty accurate one. It is biology after all. We’re only human. We’re gonna stare. Because I’m sorry, but looking at a nice butt on a war summer day is far more enjoyable than listening to you go on and on about how Jennifer didn’t invite you to her birthday party. And you wouldn’t have gone anyways because you hate her this week for god know’s what reason, but she still should have invited you because it’s the mature thing to do, plus she invited Becky and everyone knows how close you and Becky are, and you’re the one that introduced her to Becky in the first place when she was new in town and didn’t have any other friends. And now her and Becky are becoming closer and you’re worried Becky might like Jennifer more than she likes you even though Becky is supposed to hate Jennifer this week because you hate her oh look a nice butt. 

Sorry what were you saying? 

“We don’t all talk like that!” Yeah, you’re right. And WE don’t all stare at butts all day and watch sports 24/7, even though a lot of us would like to. Men don’t listen and women don’t listen. You ever try to talk to your girlfriend when the Bachelor is on? No. Because you know better after “the incident”. 

But regardless of how stupid these hashtags may be, and the equally as stupid people who get offended by them, they definitely provide us with entertainment and for that I’m forever thankful. 


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