U.S. Postal Service Reveals Its First New Mail Truck In 30 Years And It’s Butt Ugly To Say The Least

I mean seriously... Is this really it? This has to be like when people leak photos of next generation cellphones and the real phone is nothing like it, right? This can’t be what we’re going to have to see driving around for the next three decades. That is assault on the eyes as far as I’m concerned. 

And I don’t give a shit that some of these vehicles are apparently going to be electric. I don’t care if they get a thousand miles in a single charge or spit out money instead of exhaust fumes. That all goes out the window because of how horrendous these fucking things look. If trying to help save the environment by going electric means a truck like this will be the new norm, then fuck mother earth. Shove that big, U.S. Postal Service sized gas nozzle right up her ass. If we continue on the route we’re going and end up ruining the planet for future generations, they better at least put a picture of this thing in every text book because you’re looking at the main culprit. Sorry kids, we wanted to stop global warming but your parents didn’t want something this hideous driving by their house every day. Good enough excuse if you ask me. They’ll understand. 

Jesus christ this angle is even worse. What the hell is with the front? The windshield does not need to be the size of a damn football field. And you can’t tell me that this design is more aerodynamic than their current mail truck. I’m no engineer or wind resistance expert, but I’m pretty sure a 20 by 20 foot piece of vertical glass isn’t what you want when it comes to staying out of the wind’s way. And if I’m wrong and this IS somehow the most aerodynamic vehicle, it’s not because of its shape. The wind will stay away simply because of how unsightly this design is. 

This white hunk of eye cancer shouldn’t be driving around the roads in real life, it should be driven by a raccoon delivering mail in the next Pixar movie. Who the fuck wants to ride around in one of these things. Talk about humiliating.  We already make the postal carriers deliver our junk mail and past due bills in snowstorms, hurricanes, forest fires, alien invasions, and god knows what else, so at the very least don’t make them do it in these guaranteed virginity keepers. The current vehicles are ugly enough as it is. 

Get your shit together postal service. You guys can deliver 150 billion pieces of mail every year. Coming up with a vehicle that doesn’t look like a drawing from a kindergartner shouldn’t be that difficult. Good lord. 


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