Those “Select The Squares With A Certain Object” Tests Are Insanely Difficult


Why the hell are those “select the squares with an image of a whatever” tests to make sure you’re not a robot or cyber terrorist or whatever so god damn difficult? Why? And on my phone too?!? Why am I selecting little squares containing various images of busses on a six inch screen at four in the morning? I’m trying to watch a 16 second video of some drunk chicks fighting over a loser they’ll both hate in a few months, does playing detective really need to be a prerequisite? And of course I can never tell if the fucking bus tire is technically in that other square or not. Every single time. You’d need some 100 inch 8k plasma screen tv to see the level of detail needed to pass some of these damn tests. Do you have to make it that close?! Why do I need robot level vision to prove I’m not a fucking robot?

And to the satan worshipers in charge of creating these impossible I spy games, this may come as news to you, but I don’t know all the legal parameters for what constitutes a fucking bus. Ok? Believe it or not I wasn’t the person tasked with that job. So is that long wire part on those weird hippy electric Canadian busses technically a bus or not?! I don’t fucking know. Is there like a kid version of this I can take?

And don’t get me started on the bicycle ones. Oh my god. I’ve made it through entire ‘Where’s Waldo’ books faster than trying to find all the places you assholes hide bikes in those fucking photos. Pretty sure I once failed one of these because I missed the bike hanging in someone’s living room that I was supposed to spot through the telescope pointing at the apartment window. If I was a Navy Seal sniper in my past life I’m sure I would’ve gotten that.

Just make the fucking things easier. Ok? And who cares if a robot or criminal wants to watch what I’m watching. What’s going to happen? They’ll burn up brain cells consuming this shit too? Oh no!

Look just make the shit easier, ok? Thanks.


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