Why Do So Many People Still Hold Their Phones To Talk While Driving?

You see it every day. People of all ages and backgrounds, holding their phones to talk while driving. Why? With these new vehicles and all of their modern technology do you still feel the need to talk into the actual phone? What possible reason could there be? Really. You like having 50% of your hands occupied while operating a several ton hunk of metal? Staying in your lane on the freeway is child’s play and you wanted a harder difficulty? No? Then what? Because you can’t tell me it’s easier to hear your dumb husband through that little phone speaker gunked up from ear grease and whatever the hell else you have in that land fill of a purse. Nope. That ain’t it. So what? Why do so many of you morons still do this? Hell I didn’t know these fancy new cars would even let you talk on the phone while driving. I just assumed the whole thing bursts into flames on the freeway or something, as surely anyone with a new car can figure out how to work Apple CarPlay or Android Auto. And in case you weren’t aware of how this works, literally plug your phone into the car and it does the rest. That’s it. If you have the eye-hand coordination to pick your nose, you can connect your phone to your new car. Congratulations. You’re not a complete ass hat anymore.

And how do drug dealers use their two phones while driving? One phone in each hand and then you’re just driving with what? A boner if you have one? It’s amazing some of you can even keep your cars on the road with how many things your doing at the same time. From talking on the phone, checking your ex’s snapchat location, texting, cursing the car behind you for honking at you to go while you were texting, the list goes on and on.

But honestly, why would I want one hand constantly occupied by my damn phone while driving? There’s so many other way better things a hand can be doing. Picking your nose. Changing the music. Flipping the bird. Uhh, shoveling snacks and other crap food into your open pie hole. Diddlin’ your girlfriend. Holding said girlfriend’s head while she diddles you. Idk. But I can think of many other MUCH better uses for my hand than holding my damn phone the entire time I’m on the phone listening to my mom drone on and on about her disgusting medical issues. Ok? That’s all I’m saying. Just connect the fucking thing to your vehicle for the love of god. It’s really not that hard. I promise. If you cant’ figure out how to connect your phone to any car made after like 2014, you legally shouldn’t be allowed out of the house much less behind the wheel of a moving murder weapon.

That’s all.


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