Championship Winning Teams: Stop Covering Up Your Awesome Jerseys With Crappy T-Shirts

As we await the next winner of the Super Bowl, there’s something we need to talk about. Something that’s been bothering me, and maybe only me, for years now. Why in the hell do championship teams cover up their jerseys with ugly t-shirts?!? Why??? What’s the point. We know you won. We just fucking watched you win. Why do you insist on, year after year, celebrating your hard earned victory in cheap t-shirts that look like they were designed by some stupid intern at 5 pm on a Friday when everyone else is already at happy hour. Honestly. You’ve worn your jerseys all season long. You’ve shed blood, sweat, and tears into the fibers of this battle attire, only to replace them with generic shirts the second the confetti starts falling. Why??? Celebrate in the shirt that was with you from the start, not some new garment that was made three days ago by some underpaid kid in a sweatshop. 

Now, I’m sure there’s pressure on the players to wear these ugly things. And who knows, maybe they even get some sort of bonus from the league. I don’t know. But regardless, they’re hideous and have no place in any championship celebration. So if the leagues absolutely insist on having players wear them, save it for the locker room celebration when everyone is shit faced and spilling beer, champaign, and God knows what other liquids on each other.

I might very well be the only one on earth who cares about this. But seriously, look at the Chiefs’ jerseys compared to those t-shirts and tell me I’m wrong.



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