Captain Lee Is The Biggest Hardo On Planet Earth

Any realty tv fan worth their salt knows who Captain Lee is these days. The famous realty star/grizzled yacht captain to the ultra rich has made a name for himself with antics like his own personalized onslaught of hardo quotes, weird ethics lectures, and sayings more fitting of captain that fought pirates in the 1700s than from some dude who shuttles billionaires around from one area in a body of beautiful water to another for exorbitant amounts of money and literally no other purpose whatsoever. And we have sir brave heart on tv like “And I’ll be god damned if I don’t finish the job” after having some surgery or whatever as if he’s heading up the ship responsible for transporting much needed medicine across the arctic sea to remote village people in need. Take it easy dude. Take some time away and get better. No need to rush back. The core of society won’t crumble.


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