Waitress Fired After Mixing Her Own Blood Into Customer’s Cocktail


METRO (Sian Elvin) - It is often said hard workers pour ‘blood, sweat and tears’ into their efforts – but it usually isn’t meant literally. A waitress at a café in Japan was fired after it was found she had mixed her own blood into a customer’s cocktail. The Mondaiji Con Café Daku, which loosely translates to ‘Problem Child Dark Café’, opened at the beginning of March in the entertainment district of the city of Sapporo. Its gimmick is to hire ‘mentally unstable’ and ‘problematic’ young women as waitresses, dressed as goths and wearing dark make-up. But it appears one of the waitresses took her role a little too far and added her blood to a drink, reportedly at the request of a customer. The café apologized for what happened in a tweet on April 2, saying what happened was ‘absolutely not acceptable’ and calling the incident ‘borderline terrorism’. It confirmed the woman was fired 18 days after opening, and the café was closed for a day while it replaced all its glasses.

So let me get this straight… Cafe Problem Child or whatever it translates to over here hires a bunch of women who should probably be in the loony bin, and the genius/owner behind this brilliant operation fires his best waitress because she added a little secret sauce to someone’s drink. Well isn’t that just stupid. You wouldn’t let your all-star quarterback go because he slept with some other player’s wife. You wouldn’t direct a movie with some Hallmark actor instead of Robert Pattinson because he enjoys licking girls’ armpits. And you don’t fire your best waitress because some little snitch told everyone what her secret recipe was. So she puts a little of her own body mary I mean bloody mary mix in someone’s drink, who fucking cares? Maybe the customer was a vampire, who are we to judge? And you know this perfectly sane individual was this cafe’s best waitress. This lass clearly knows how to get the big tips and this moron of an owner could learn a thing or two. In the age of restaurants and cafes disappearing as fast as they appear, it takes a trained eye to spot a superstar server, and whoever runs this place clearly doesn’t have one. 

Keep your chin up sweetie. I’m sure there’s a blood bank/cafe combination store out there somewhere that appreciates the true artists in our society. You’ll get your big break. 


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