Multi Millionaire Neil Young Set To Lose Hundreds Of Dollars After Heroically Removing Music From Spotify

Oh Neil, you silly goose. I feel bad for the person tasked with trying to explain “music streaming” to this fossil, let alone how much Spotify makes compared to the crumbs they give him after eating all the cookies he baked. If you wanna take your music off Spotify, take it off Spotify. Who gives a shit. Spotify sure doesn’t.  

This sad sack of washed up leather knew how to buy drugs for the better part of a century, yet wouldn’t know how to download a podcast if his life depended on it. And that’s AFTER someone spent the length of a Joe Rogan episode explaining to him what a podcast is in the first place. 

Perhaps I should back up for a second, if you’re not familiar with this story, to quickly (and probably terribly) summarize it for those of you without the ability to google, Neil Young threatened to take his music off Spotify if they didn’t start censoring some of the coronavirus vaccine related content Joe Rogan and his guests have talked about on his podcast. Basically Neil Young thinks Rogan is spreading misinformation about the vaccine and this misinformation could result in the deaths of potentially thousands, given Rogan’s insane popularity.  

In all seriousness for a second, regardless of your opinion on the vaccine, if Neil Young really wants things to change, giving Spotify a childish ultimatum isn’t the way to do it. They couldn’t give less of a fuck about you Neil, they barely care about their most popular artists as it is. If you think Joe Rogan is spreading dangerous misinformation, then go on his podcast and have it out with him. Spark debate. Present your side of the story, tell us why you believe what you believe, show us the data that backs your opinions, and have a damn discussion with the man instead of going to “war” with his boss, a company by the way that eats people like you as an appetizer before breakfast. 

As someone who is fully vaccinated and tends to lean left on most social and economical issues, I hate that we can never have conversations anymore. What happened to sitting down with someone and airing out our differences? I don’t know when we lost this ability as a country, but we need to get it back, and fast. Because shit hasn’t just hit the fan. It’s hit the fan, has been left there to dry, and now we all wreak of it. On both sides. 

It’s ironic to me, that we’ve lost our ability to have civilized conversations in this country, and then so many of us wonder why a podcast hosted by the dude from fear factor is so popular in the first place. Well, when it comes to having civilized conversations with people both on the right and on the left, that dude from fear factor does it better than anyone else. And if you think otherwise, look at the top ranking podcasts. Look at the unbelievable list of guests he’s had on over the years, and compare that list to any other podcast. There’s a reason his stands alone, in first place. 

But hey, at least Neil took a stand and moved his music to Amazon’s streaming platform. Ya know, that company run by a guy so rich he’s making a city dismantle their historic bridge just so his gigantic yacht and tiny dick can pass through. 

Oh Neil, the hypocrisy, if you only knew.


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