Lady Bashes Man’s Head In With Bowling Ball And Then Uses It To Bowl A Strike… Obviously

Montgomery Herald - A Biscoe woman, Brittany Cagle, 34, has blown up social media with a video of her hitting a man in the head with a bowling ball. In addition to going viral a video likely played a role in Cagle's arrest last week on charges of aggravated assault. 

The video shows arguing with Reginald Donte Brown at the bowling alley. Cagle has a bowling ball in her hand and as the arguing heats up she swings the bowling ball hitting Brown in the head. Brown immediately falls to the ground while another man yells in the background to throw a strike, which Cagle did. Ignoring the man on the ground, Cagle throws the ball for a strike and returns to her seat while the man remains on the ground. 

Well that’s one way to get back-to-back strikes. I couldn’t find anymore details on this video, so the reason behind bashing some dude’s face in with a six to twelve pound cement sphere will have to remain a mystery. However, using basic reasoning and my prior knowledge of why men and women typically get into felony grade arguments at the local lanes, I’m going to assume these two pleasant individuals are a couple, and the unlucky recipient of that skull crushing crack upside the cranium either ate the last of her nachos, or had his fingers in some holes that didn’t belong to her or the bowling ball that just gave him a lifetime supply of disability checks.

And obviously she bowled a bloody strike right after. Literally bloody, not the British kind. As if going viral for getting your head caved in on camera wasn’t bad enough, this guy has to live the rest of his life (albeit probably a pretty short one) knowing that his darling used his head juices to launch her successful bowling career. Because I’m no expert, but I’ve watched enough ESPN Classic to know a future hall of fame pin pulverizer when I see one, and the form on both of those throws was simply immaculate. I don’t know what was more impressive, the way she casually knocked HIM down, or the ten pins immediately after. Videos like this are why we waste endless hours scrolling on our phones. Every once in a while you really do find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

P.S. Before all you bowling hardos take an entire afternoon hunting and pecking on your keyboards to correct me… I’m aware that bowling balls aren’t made out of cement. I just like alliterations (words that repeat the same sound). There, saved ya another half hour. You’re welcome.


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