It’s Way Too Fucking Early For This Shit Ft. Healthy Weight

It’s way too early to be talking about fat people, but I just downed two cups of coffee and have to shit like a super model who just ate taco bell for the first time, so let’s do this. 

How often do you hear people say “I’m at my healthy weight”? Because I hear it quite often. And it’s never from people who look like they’re actually at their healthiest. You never hear it from people who actually maintain a healthy lifestyle. No. It’s always screamed the loudest from the ones who should probably just keep their mouths shut, and finish chewing whatever candy bar they’re currently chowing down on. 

“I’m at my healthy weight.” “If my body wanted me to be skinnier I would be.” “I don’t need to lose weight, my body is just naturally bigger.” Blah blah blah. 

Uhh... oh yeah? Your... “healthy weight”? I’m pretty sure huffing and puffing after two flights of stairs like you just ran a marathon isn’t a “healthy weight”. And I don’t think eating fast food and treating gas station snack isles like a fucking buffet line everyday is the recommended regime for keeping that “healthy weight”.  But sure, let’s keep going with “asthma attacks” as the excuse for not getting those daily steps in. I bet the fifty pound fanny pack of fat you carry around 24/7 has nothing to do with it. If you’re too lazy to exercise and eat even semi-healthy everyday, fine. Live your life. But own it. Don’t make excuses for it. You’re not at your healthy weight. You’re just not. Believe it or not, it’s ok to eat healthy, exercise every day, and not be drenched in sweat because the mail man threw your newspaper twenty feet further away than he did yesterday. There is such a thing as a “healthy weight”, but that weight ain’t at the bottom of your daily large fry. 

P.S. Yes I know, skinny people can be unhealthy too. It’s 4am and I needed someone to pick on. I’ll talk about the skinnies another time. 


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