Idiot Couple Buys Fake "Suncream” And Proceed To Get Their Asses Kicked By Mother Earth’s Sun

A couple recently took to the inner webs to warn fellow travelers about the dangers of buying fake “suncream” while on a trip to Thailand. Apparently the co-ed dumb and dumber tik tok tag team were enjoying their sun filled getaway until they bought what they thought was “suncream”, only to realize hours later that while it may have been white, something wasn’t quite right. So they did what any responsible retards would do and posted their horror story along with a video to social media, warning other idiots and hopefully getting a ton of sympathy for being left “blistered and burnt” in the process. 

Ok first of all this is clearly their first rodeo with sunburns, because you could get a worse burn from tanning under a full moon. The dude’s maroon shorts are more red than that pansy ass “burn” they both took to social media to bitch about. 

Second, who the fuck calls it “suncream”??? Maybe that’s your first problem here. Cream?!? Yeah you bought cream alright. Only it probably came from some dude’s std ridden penis. And that’s where the “blisters” came from because they sure as hell didn’t cum from that light shade of kinda red they called a burn. 

How does that saying go? Young, dumb, and covered in cum? 

P.S. Yes I know I used the word “retards”. I’m not referring to mentally challenged people though, their mom’s know the difference between real and fake sunSCREEN. 


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