Drunk Man Calls Police Six Times To Complain That His Wife Won’t Cook For Him

O Naveen, a hard working 28 year old from India came home after a long week of hard labor Friday evening and simply wanted a home cooked meal. He even did his part, he went to the store, picked out the finest goat meat (or mutton as they call it in India) and hauled it home with the simple hope that his wife would cook them a delicious Friday evening dinner. She of course was honored with the lovely goat meat and happily prepared them dinner. Right? Wrongggggggg.

According to Naveen’s wife, who they didn’t name so I will just refer to her as “horrible devil lady”, Naveen came home once again drunk, as he apparently has a drinking problem she has long been fed up with. Horrible devil lady wasn’t having it this particle night and refused to cook for her providing, albeit drunkard of a husband. Faced with, or should I say... shit faced with the possibility of going hungry and the meat he worked so hard to pay for going to waste, Naveen would do what any logical, fed up husband would. He simply called the police six times. 

Who wouldn’t? Instead of yelling at horrible devil lady or cheating on her, or murdering her, Naveen did the mature thing and called the police, hoping they would side with him and make horrible devil lady cook the god damn goat meat. Hell he probably would’ve even done the dishes! But no, apparently the police in India have never read the 1955 Good House Wife’s Guide on how wives should treat their husbands and it shows. 

Well unfortunately for them, I have. And as you can see below, Rule NUMBER ONE CLEARLY STATES:

There you go India! Maybe take down some of those worthless wanted or missing child posters from your police station bulletin boards and put a few of these up so starving husbands aren’t at the mercy of their lazy wives anymore. Even worse than the them ignoring Naveen’s hungry pleas, was the fact that the next morning the police had the audacity to arrest this poor soul and leave him to rot in a cellar while his goat meat rotted at home, because we know horrible devil lady sure as hell wasn’t going to touch it. 

Probably not the only meat she refuses to touch. But that’s a Good Wife’s Guide rule for another day. 


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