Future Hero Uses Fake $100 Bill At 11 Year Old's Lemonade Stand

How does that saying go? When a man gives you a counterfeit $100 bill for your overpriced lemons, post the interaction on YouTube, let it go viral, and someone will surely start a GoFundMe for you that'll raise like six trillion times more than the initial goal. Or something like that.  

Well that's just what happened to 11 year-old lemonade stand owner/operator Jeremy Ryzhonkov earlier this summer when a man decided to use his freshly printed fake Benjamin to buy $20 worth of snacks and drinks, thus getting $80 back in real money from the young entrepreneur. The kind of funny yet VERY egregious act was caught on camera as the lemonade tycoon was apparently filming for his YouTube channel at the time. Very convenient...

And as these things typically do, the story went viral shortly after local police decided to take it public. A neighbor then started a GoFundMe for the poor sap which has already raised over $25,000 (hopefully in real bills). I guess it pays to be paid in fake money. 

So what's the moral of the story? Good always defeats evil? Nice guys finish first? GoFundMe is proof that people will always have money to blow on someone who experiences a slight inconvenience? Film yourself selling overpriced sugar water to people until some dirt bag pays you in monopoly money and you'll walk off into the sunset having won the karma lottery? I don't know what the moral of this story is but this kid is definitely benefiting from the scammers lack of having any. Heck, he should be sending this crappy criminal a thank you card with a real hundred included so the dude has something to go off of when printing the next batch. 

And as for that crappy criminal, at least he was smart enough to wear sunglasses when looking directly into the camera. That should delay his capture by at least a couple of hours. And cut the guy some slack. I can only imagine how hard it is to find a good place to burn a fake Benjamin. Anyone who has ever watched more than 15 minutes of any criminal show on TV knows counterfeit $100s are by far the hardest bills to not only accurately recreate, but also use. They aren't like those $1 or $5 bills that your grandma could make with a printer she bought 30 years ago. And hell, spending a fake $100 seems even harder than actually making the fucking things. Where would you rather try to spend one? A bank? Or some half assed lemonade stand run by a kid with one of those part mohawk, part whatever the hell you wanna call it haircuts. And you know anyone walking around with that hairdo has harmed at least a couple small mammals. We all know the prequel to a serial killer when we see one. 

I think the real moral of this story is always scam a soon to be serial killer whenever you can. Get their name out there. Get their fingerprints off of whatever shitty dixie cups they gave you their overpriced lemonade in. The police will thank you some day. 


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