Burger King Kicked Off International Women’s Day With A Tweet For The Ages

International Women’s Day is upon us and boy oh boy did Burger King start the party off with a bang. What a tweet. You seldom see a zinger like that from any company, let alone one who does over 10 billion in sales every year. That tweet isn’t something a random intern thought of while they were drunk one night, Burger King probably had brain storming sessions and high level meetings to discuss that tweet, and yet, they still decided to send it out into the world.

Now obviously Burger King did this on purpose. They knew what they were doing. They’re not tweeting this out as some old fashioned hick who still feels women should be cooking and cleaning all day, they tweeted it out to get attention. It was a play on words if you will. And as you can see with their response to KFC Gaming, it was meant to draw attention to the fact that there’s a big lack of female representation in the culinary industry. Now was this the best way to bring attention to the matter? Well given the fact that our society is currently controlled by our love for canceling anyone and everyone we have a problem with, probably not. But it did definitely get people’s attention, which is what Burger King wanted all along. So maybe this is in fact some genius PR move by them after all. And come to think of it, lately we’ve seen shit like this actually boost company’s sales. Take Dr. Seuss books for example, or Morgan Wallen’s record sales after he was caught on video using the N word. These are weird times to say the least. 

Was this a controversial tweet? Obviously. But was this still a hilarious tweet that made me laugh my ass off for 10 minutes straight? You bet your Big Mac it was. (Get it? Because McDonalds is so much more popular I don’t even know the name of a single Burger King burger). Funny, I know. 

Anyways, it’s all fun and games until the first dingbat feels offended. And in the case of Burger King’s “Women belong in the kitchen” tweet, I’m sure there are entire caves filled with offended dingbats flying around right now. But lighten up ladies. It’s International Women’s Day. This should be a day of celebration and community. A day to recognize the accomplishments of your fellow women, both past and present. This shouldn’t be the day you get upset by a tweet from a fast food chain you vegan hippies don’t even eat at. So let them tweet. Who cares. Bitch about it tomorrow. Today you celebrate. 

And as for Burger King? Well thanks to cancel culture, their sales will probably sky rocket. Cancel culture is actually starting to do the opposite of what those morons set out to do in the first place, they’re starting to cancel themselves and it’s quite enjoyable to watch. 


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