Brooklyn Had An 83 Year Old Serial Killer On The Loose With A Haircut As Heinous As The Crimes She Committed

According to the New York Post, Harvey Marcelin, who identifies as a transgender woman (and also apparently a serial killer) spent the majority of her life behind bars for killing two ex girlfriends, and is now the suspect in the murder of another woman after a search warrant turned up the victim’s head in Marcelin’s Cypress Hills home. The old bag of evil’s relationship troubles started back in the 60s when she murdered her first lover, and continued into the 80s when she was let out of prison and within the same year, killed another girlfriend.

Let’s unpack this. For starters, how the hell do you murder someone in the 1960s and not get away with it. I mean for God’s sake, most people thought “DNA” was some weird std back then. Police departments certainly weren’t using it to catch killers. I could murder like 83 people a year and never get caught. I’d be like Jack the Ripper on steroids, and this creep couldn’t get away with murdering ONE person. 

Also, how did this weirdo have a better dating life than most of us?!? Not one, not two, but THREE different girlfriends in 83 years? WITH THAT HAIRCUT AND MAKEUP JOB?!? I couldn’t get a girlfriend if I owned a private jet and had a dick the same size, meanwhile this nut ball gets out of prison for the murder of their girlfriend, and within a year has some new hottie they’re immediately so bored with she too turns up dead. Talk about “ghosting”. 

And why the hell is she being let out of prison every time? Is there some special treatment for transgender serial killers that I’m not familiar with? Were they forced to free her because they didn’t have a bathroom she felt comfortable using? People spend more time in prison for a few weed charges than this Joker look-a-like did for terrorizing the fine women of Gotham for the better part of a century. 

Where the hell is batman when you need him? Or... them. See, I’m accepting too. Put your pitchforks down. 

P.S. If you’re offended by the bathroom joke I made just know that I’m all for transgender rights. I was talking about transgender serial killers rights. Completely different debate. 


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