Blue Whales Can Swallow Half A Million Calories In A Single Gulp

What the fuck? Seriously? How is that possible? Well, according to people much smarter than you and me, a fully grown blue whale can inhale up to 500,000 calories of shrimp or minnows or whatever the hell they eat in a single mouthful. That’s just insane. Now I know blue whales are the largest mammals by a long shot, and their mouthes are the size of half the universe or whatever, but still. Half a million calories? Jesus Christ man. 

To put this in perspective, a Big Mac is 563 calories. So these monsters are eating roughly 888 Big Macs every time they take a big bite from their ocean buffet. How many Big Macs can a single McDonalds even make in a day? McDonalds outta find a way to service these ocean dwellers. They’d do a zillion dollars in sales every second. 

And as if this fact wasn’t mind blowing enough, the average 300,000 pound blue whale needs 12,500 pounds of food every single day to survive. To again put this in perspective, the average NFL player weighs 245 pounds and there are 55 players on a team. So an animal that actually exists today, that actually swims in our oceans, literally needs to eat 51 NFL players, or damn near an entire NFL team, every single day just to survive. That’s fucking crazy. And that’s gotta get expensive. I hope they have dollar menus where these giants feast. Also, how do you even find this much food to eat every single day? I can’t find anything to eat in my own fridge half the time, and these things are finding over six tons of food just wandering around the ocean? How? That just seems impossible. 

Half a million calories in a single gulp. Unless you’re a hooker, that’s quite impressive.


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