If You Really Want To Thank Your Employees On Employee Appreciation Day, Pay Them More

You can throw them parties, buy them lunch, thank them in social media posts, and make them all listen to some half assed speech you threw together in 5 minutes about how much they mean to you and the company, but if you actually care about your employees and really want to show them just how valuable they are, spare the bullshit and pay them more. It’s as simple as that. 

The irony of Employee Appreciation Day is that most companies aren’t willing to give their employees what they truly deserve. Sure they’ll shower them with compliments and some free food, but when it comes time to give their employees something that will actually help them and their families out, like a much deserved pay raise, ha... no way. And don’t give me this bullshit that companies wouldn’t be able to afford it. There have been numerous studies conducted showing just the opposite. And the biggest companies are the biggest culprits when it comes to being cheap. It’s simply unacceptable and quite frankly laughable that these companies pretend to give two shits about their employees. 

And for the companies that actually give a damn, they don’t need one stupid day a year for employee appreciation, their employees know how valued they are. They see it every other week when their checks hit their bank accounts. 


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