A Good Shower Loofah Will Change Your Life Forever

On a cool, breezy winter Saturday in a Walmart outside St. Petersburg, Florida… My life was changed forever…

“It like suctions to your body” was my first thought after roughly two seconds of using far and away the best loofah I had ever purchased. “It’s much thicker and stiffer than any other loofah I’ve ever used.” Was the second thought as I scrubbed my skin with what seemed like a ball of tangled barbed wire compared to what any other loofah had ever felt like. It was love at first swipe. I love everything about this thing. For starters it was two dollars at Walmart. This wasn’t some boutique bought, free range sponge caught humanely with the blessing of whatever ancient god oversees the ocean’s sponge populations. Nope. This was from Walmart.

Save money. Live better. Baby.

Seriously though. This thing is incredible. Like I said, it somehow suctions (or like suctions) to your body as you’re using it. It’s impossible to explain unless you’ve had the privilege of using one of these blessed objects. The fishnet material or whatever the hell it’s technically called is much thicker and stiffer than normal loofahs, so it does a much better job of scrubbing your skin if you can handle this type of tough love. It isn’t for the faint of heart. But man do you feel amazing afterwards. Also, your feet. My god does it do a great job of scrubbing your feet. It feels like a dang pommel stone on the bottoms of them, yet simultaneously tiptoes across the tops like a trained ballerina, cleaning with purpose and precision without being too harsh. It’s like magic.

And of course. Yes. It holds soap amazingly. Duh.


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