A Handful Of Dr. Seuss Books Are Getting The Axe And People Are Losing Their Fucking Minds

Yesterday, after growing backlash regarding the way a handful of Dr. Seuss books portray various groups of people, Dr. Seuss Enterprises made the decision to no longer publish the culprits. And, just as you’d imagine, people are losing their fucking minds. 

Who. Gives. A. Fuck.

How many of you outraged morons have even read the books they are no longer going to publish? I’ll answer that for you. None. Did any of you even read one entire article on the matter? Or did you immediately take to social media the second you read the title from whatever Fox News article your stupid dad sent you. Yeah. I’m gonna bet you did the latter. So shut up and let me enlighten you for a minute, or however long it take your dumb asses to read a blog thats more than a few sentences long. 

Dr. Seuss Enterprises is no longer publishing the following six Dr. Seuss books: 

- “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street”

- “If I Ran The Zoo”

- “McElligot’s Pool”

- “On Beyond Zebra!”

- “Scrambled Eggs Super!”

- “The Cat’s Quizzer”

How many of you have honestly read any of these books? How about ‘The Cat’s Quizzer?’ Is that one of your favorites? I bet not. Probably because there’s no way you’re smarter than a cartoon cat. And what about ‘On Beyond Zebra!’? What the fuck does that title even mean? You guys can probably recite that one by heart I bet. 

The point I’m trying to make here is, they’re not taking away or cancelling your beloved Dr. Seuss. They’re simply taking away the handful of books that are very insensitive and downright racist against certain groups of people. Cry me a fucking river. They’re not taking away any of the books anyone actually gives two shits about. You can still go out and buy ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ and ‘How The Grinch Stole Christmas!’, so try not to cry about it too much today.  

And don’t worry, they’ll never cancel all of Dr. Seuss. The man cheated on his first wife who was partially paralyzed and very depressed, then married that very mistress after the first wife committed suicide, and lived happily ever after. If that’s not enough to get him out of our bookshelves, nothing will. 

And if you think we shouldn’t take away any of his books, no matter how they hold up with today’s politically correct standards, great. Good for you. But then all of Dr. Seuss, not just his good side, should be recognized by you. So maybe instead of reading your bratty kids another shitty Dr. Seuss book tonight, read them this little blurb from his first wife’s suicide letter instead. Because as I’m sure you guys would say, you have to take the good with the bad. Right? 

“To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.” - Dr. Seuss

He sure knew how to turn a smile upside down. What a fucking clown. 


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