How Do You Put This On?!?!?

Seriously, though. How do you? And how does she tie that?!? Is that like some pre-tied shirt that’s made to look like that? Or did Lo forget to pack shirts and that’s just a hotel towel? I don’t know but I need answers. Is there like some new, hip, mummy fashion trend I’m not aware of? And look at the buttons on those jeans. Those pants look like something you would find for 90% off because the machine broke midway through making them and now they don’t button up properly. 

Regardless, Lo is and always will be my girl. She was the best personality on The Hills by a mile (Lauren left so she doesn’t count) and she was easily the hottest in my humble opinion. She could wear a dirty bed sheet (or a scarf/towel looking thing) and she’d still be better looking than 99.999999999% of the human race. So I don’t know what the hell that thing is or how many years of working on boats it would take to learn how to properly tie a knot like that, but she’s Lo Bosworth, so it doesn’t matter. 

But guys, seriously, how do you tie that...


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